Just Keep Swimming is a project created and designed to for a class project meant to showcase my knowledge and application Photoshop skills into a piece that can be realistically used to earn money for, such as advertising. I chose to go for a magazine style ad, and knew from the start I wanted to make my ad with a minimalistic yet professional feel. I had the idea of a bird's-eye view over a boat on the water, which the ad could then either be fishing or ocean related.
Step 1: Below is finding the image to work with, and brainstorming the direction to take the project in.
Step 2: I cloned the water to fill the edges of the ad, after a strong internal debate to have a white border or not.
Step 3: I added text with a recognizable phrase while making the boat on a masked layer so the text would look like it's under the boat/ on the water.
Step 4: I added shark shadows the same way I added the text, with intentionally making them seem like they are passing the boat rather than approaching it.
Step 5: Adjusting the hues to make it all a little more vibrant.
Step 6: I added the Ocean Safety logo and text at the bottom saying "always pay attention" to add more purpose and ad, since there really was no connection or connect-the-dots way of placing how it is an advertisement.